Async Await

Since version ( NetMQ support async/await.

To use async/await feature you need to create a NetMQRuntime.


async Task ServerAsync()
    using (var server = new RouterSocket("inproc://async"))
        for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
            var (routingKey, more) = await server.ReceiveRoutingKeyAsync();
            var (message, _) = await server.ReceiveFrameStringAsync();

            // TODO: process message

            await Task.Delay(100);

async Task ClientAsync()
    using (var client = new DealerSocket("inproc://async"))
        for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
            var (message, more) = await client.ReceiveFrameStringAsync();

            // TODO: process reply

            await Task.Delay(100);

static void Main(string[] args)
    using (var runtime = new NetMQRuntime())
        runtime.Run(ServerAsync(), ClientAsync());

NetMQRuntime is a wrapper over NetMQPoller, when calling an async function the socket is automatically added to the internal poller. NetMQRuntime is also a NetMQScheduler and SyncrhonizationContext, so any awaited function is continuing on the runtime's thread.

NetMQSocket should still be used only within one thread.

NetMQRuntime.Run can accept multiple tasks and also a cancellation token. NetMQRuntime.Run runs until all tasks are completed or cancellation token has been cancelled.